This is a strange and difficult time for all of us. Whether you are a business owner or employee, you are likely facing new challenges you never expected to face during the COVID-19 pandemic. While CEOs are dealing with employee shortages and operational challenges, employees are grappling with a new day-to-day normal. More than ever, employees are looking to business owners to lead them forward, and now is the time to strengthen your team.
Check in with Your Employees’ Mental Health
As many of us are now working from home, practicing social distancing for the first time, it can take time to adjust. While some may find it as a welcome break from the norm, others may feel isolated and lonely. Check in with your employees’ mental health! It only takes a few minutes to ask how someone is doing and to offer your support and guidance. A friendly conversation can go a long way. If you have a larger company, encourage your employees to check in on each other. Create support systems! Be open and available to talk to your employees who may be struggling for a number of reasons. Listen to their concerns and take action. Taking care of the mind is just as important as your physical routine.
Mental Health Support
CDC Mental Health and Anxiety Resources
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Make Sure Your Leadership Stays Informed and Provides Resources
While your employees may still be working, they may have a spouse or loved one that is not. Providing resources for struggling families will help alleviate stress and will show your support during these difficult times. Whether you decide to send out a company-wide email with updates or a shared Google doc with regularly updated information, the more pertinent information you provide your team, the better. From stimulus checks and forgivable loans to local grants and unemployment resources, offer your team guidance by sharing helpful information.
Financial Assistance Resources
Be a Leader in the Community
Now more than ever, it’s important to engage with your community. If you’re able, donate to a charity or get your team involved in something that supports the local community. This is the perfect time to lead by example, give back and spread goodwill. Reward your employees who are able to support local endeavors with either their time or money. Match their donations or offer incentives like extra PTO.
Find Local Initiatives
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Define and Expand Leadership Roles with Your Company
This is the perfect time to identify team members with great leadership skills and put them in a defined leading role. Make changes you’ve always wanted to make with your team. Break from your norm. Rethink strategies. Look at the big picture. We can all find a silver lining in this unique situation!
Written by Alli Vaughan